Actions that mistreat or kill any animal without just cause, such as torturing, tormenting, mutilation, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment, will be seen by many people as a clear indication that the person resorting to them is mentally disturbed and may well be capable of committing violence towards humans with the same ease. Actually, many studies have found a link between animal abuse and various forms of violence.
As one Swiss study demonstrates, people who abused animals in childhood are 3 times more likely to commit serious acts of violence during their lifetime, such as robbery, snatching, or assault[1]. And another study, conducted on two samples of women, showed a link between a propensity to abuse animals and proactive aggression, sadism, psychopathic tendencies, and callous-unemotional traits[2]. About 60% of individuals who have witnessed or perpetrated animal cruelty in childhood also report experiences with child maltreatment or domestic violence. As it turns out, animal cruelty is a “red flag” for family violence[3]. Finally, according to various studies, between 23% and 77% of households where intimate partner violence occurs also show the presence of animal abuse[4].
People who abuse animals have higher average psychopathy scores. The torture of animals has the strongest association with psychopathy. The mean PPTS (Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale) score for individuals who committed it was 13.04 points, while for those who did not torture animals, it was 10.19 points (the average difference was 2.85 points). Killing animals comes next (the average difference was 2.65 points), followed by harming animals (the average difference was 2.34 points)[5].
We can confidently state that a greater propensity to commit violence towards humans is indeed associated with animal abuse. There is also a significant association with psychopathic tendencies. Particular attention should be paid to the impairments in the violence inhibition mechanism, which explain the inability of certain individuals to recognize animal distress as well as their callous and disregardful attitude towards animals[2]. Therefore, if some individuals abuse animals, it is worth considering how they will behave towards other people and whether they need to receive treatment for violence inhibitor dysfunction and psychopathic tendencies.