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Register as new user

Fill in all the information below to create a new account on the website Make sure you supply a valid e-mail address — if you are not asked to enter a password here, a new one will be sent to that address. Later, the password can be changed in the profile.

Username can be from 4 to 32 characters and consist of letters (Latin and Cyrillic), digits, and, within the name, spaces and the “special characters” dot ., hyphen - and underscore _. Username must not violate the rules of the website. Choose it carefully, as you will not be able to change it by yourself later.

By registering, you agree not to promote, justify or endorse violent acts and ideologies, not to support individuals involved in committing acts of violence. We also advise you to keep the discussion within the topics presented on the website, to treat your interlocutors with respect and not to use bad language.


Last modified: 2024/04/20 18:29 by Volunto

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