How psychopaths behave towards other people
Here is a list of traits that characterize the behavior of psychopathic individuals but do not necessarily involve direct and overt acts of violence[1][2]. It is important to familiarize ourselves with them in order to identify such individuals in our community. It will also allow us to better understand that harming people is not limited to acts we can clearly identify as violations of social norms and condemn accordingly. This means that some forms of intentional harm will never be eradicated as long as a disorder like psychopathy exists. Of course, some of the traits listed here may be shared by many people, but if someone has multiple matches on the list, we should be wary of them.
1. Superficial charm. Psychopathic individuals adapt their personalities to others in order to take advantage of them. Accordingly, different people in their environment will give different, even contradictory descriptions of their personalities. They are also capable of changing their commitment to something instantly, with no second thought, which they use to establish trust when introducing themselves to others.
2. Turning against each other. Psychopathic individuals love to gossip and make themselves look like victims of other people. Therefore, if you suddenly have a bad opinion about someone without a real reason, consider whether you are being manipulated. They also provoke the emergence of envy between people, love triangles, etc.
3. Intentionally causing chaos. They can systematically provoke you, and when you get openly angry with them, they will make themselves look like the victim, and you will look like an impulsive person who attacks other people for no good reason. Also, in discussions and debates, they will provoke you to react emotionally in order to weaken your position.
4. Lack of guilt and regret. They will never apologize for their harmful actions unless it is beneficial for them or necessary to preserve their reputation.
5. Pathological lying. They will lie even without a reason, as they often have to lie for their own benefit, causing them to become lost in their lies.
6. Causing doubt. Even if you rationally realize that you are not guilty of anything, psychopathic individuals will try to change your mind so that you doubt yourself and don't have time to doubt them.
7. Success is the first priority, and norms are not important. Psychopathic individuals only care about success, money, or power. They don't care about social or moral norms. They consider themselves “special” to whom the rules accepted by people do not apply.
8. Lack of empathy. If the only thing that stops someone from harming others is fear of the consequences and nothing more, then that person is a psychopathic individual.
9. Poor impulse control. Psychopathic individuals are easily involved in committing violence, promiscuous sexual activity, and risky behavior.
10. Narcissism. They have an inflated, unrealistic view of their own qualities and achievements and tend to treat others as “stupid.”
11. Inability to get along. They find it easier to imagine themselves ruling others rather than cooperating as equals.
12. Manipulating emotions. They will intentionally try to trigger some feelings in you to get you to do what they need you to do.
13. Early behavioral problems. Psychopathic individuals, even in childhood, have abused animals, lied, or caused harm in other ways.
14. Simulating emotions. Psychopathic individuals demonstrate precisely the emotions that other people expect them to demonstrate in order to get a benefit. They have little of their own emotions or will not demonstrate them.
15. They are very bored. Psychopathic individuals are always bored and in constant need of stimulation, and if it is not provided, they will create their own “drama.”
16. Sabotage on important dates. They may try to intentionally bring you to tears on your birthday or provoke you into an impulsive reaction at a family celebration.
17. Exhaustion. They will lead you into sleep deprivation, for example, by constantly having arguments late at night, or they will exhaust you somehow else so that your mind and body are always tired and you don't understand whether your own actions are benefiting you.
18. Ignoring. Psychopathic individuals will end a conversation before it even begins, will not respond to your requests, or their responses will not match them. This is intended to make you anxious and self-doubting.